Pine Forest Cheer Camp
This year our cheerleaders participated in the Pine Forest Cheer Camp, during the last week in August. We have managed to maintain a healthy relationship with this cheer camp for over 5 years, participating every summer since then. Our girls truly enjoy and benefiit from Cheer Camp everytime!
Each day the cheerleaders learned new material. They were evaluated on their learnings each night. Evaluation results led to the distribution of ribbons. The blue ribbon means the team’s evaluation was considered UCA performance ready. The yellow ribbon the team evaluation is ok, but still need a little work. The white ribbon means the team needs much more practice before attempting a performance. Once a team receives a first place UCA trophy, all ribbons are included. Our cheerleaders brought home a lot of ribbons and trophies this year!

Jerry Preschutti started this camp in 1970 on a mission to provide a very unique cheerleading camp experience in exclusive outdoor camp settings where cheerleaders learn a lot about themselves and each other by living in cabins, communicating with each other and really bonding as a TEAM. The emphasis is on the safety and security of all who attend and to provide a wonderful camp experience where memories are created that will last a lifetime and the cheerleading instruction that is provided is second to none.
During our Cheer Camp Experience, our cheerleaders found that by living together in the cabins you really learned how to work together and communicate as they are given a lot of responsibility. They had no choice but to learn to work together as no one is separated from the group in terms of living arrangements.
Many of our cheerleaders loved the special attention they received from the camp counselors and administration. This one-on-one attention lets you achieve new performance heights. The Big Brother and Big Sister program provided each squad with wonderful mentoring opportunities with the talented staff of Pine Forest!
By attending this camp we have added explosive stunts, jumps, and tumbling to the routine for competition. The counselor coach helped us put the new material together to create our own unique routine that will be performed for this year competition.

Although we were the ONLY recreational team participating in this session, our riflettes definitely made a statement with their Talent Show performance. The Talent Show, a Pine Forest Tradition,, was held on the last night of cheer camp where cheerleaders are given the option to perform for the other cheer teams. You can view the performance from our ladies on the video page.
In addition to the classes for cheerleaders, Pine Forest Cheer Camp offered classes for advisors and coaches. These classes covered leadership games, supervising a cheerleading squad, including stunt techniques, safety training and administrative skills.